
Insufficient Memory or Stack Size

Jolt provides reasonable defaults for the total allocated memory and stack size. It is however possible that the defaults are not sufficient, leading to unpredictable errors within our tracer. To fix this we can try to increase these sizes. We suggest starting with the stack size first as this is much more likely to run out.

Below is an example of manually specifying both the total memory and stack size.

#![cfg_attr(feature = "guest", no_std)]

fn main() {
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::vec::Vec;

#[jolt::provable(stack_size = 10000, memory_size = 10000000)]
fn waste_memory(size: u32, n: u32) {
    let mut v = Vec::new();
    for i in 0..size {

Maximum Input or Output Size Exceeded

Jolt restricts the size of the inputs and outputs to 4096 bytes by default. Using inputs and outputs that exceed this size will lead to errors. These values can be configured via the macro.

#![cfg_attr(feature = "guest", no_std)]

fn main() {
#[jolt::provable(max_input_size = 10000, max_output_size = 10000)]
fn sum(input: &[u8]) -> u32 {
    let mut sum = 0;
    for value in input {
        sum += value;


Guest Attempts to Compile Standard Library

Sometimes after installing the toolchain the guest still tries to compile with the standard library which will fail with a large number of errors that certain items such as Result are referenced and not available. This generally happens when one tries to run jolt before installing the toolchain. To address, try rerunning jolt install-toolchain, restarting your terminal, and delete both your rust target directory and any files under /tmp that begin with jolt.

Getting Help

If none of the above help, please serialize your program and send it along with a detailed bug report.

Serializing a call to the "fib" function in the Jolt guest:

fn main() {
// let (prove_fib, verify_fib) = guest::build_fib();
let program_summary = guest::analyze_fib(10);
program_summary.write_to_file("fib_10.txt".into()).expect("should write");